Connecting InDesign and WordPress

Connecting InDesign and WordPress

Netrix has recognized what a common struggle it can be for publishers to synchronize their online and offline content, and to streamline their workflow. Netrix iCMS, as an InDesign Server alternative, offers a solution to this problem, among other things.

Connecting InDesign and WordPress

InDesign automatization in a cost-efficient way

A publisher with offline publications definitely needs a desktop publishing and typesetting system to put the paper together in: the industry standard for this is InDesign. On the other hand, there are other challenges they often have to face: they want their content to be automatically posted on their website, or vice versa: they create the newspaper based on the material published on the web.

Build a publishing system behind your current tools

Good news that there are solutions that make life easier and do not require big change or investment. Publishers can opt for Netrix iCMS, a cost-efficient, media focused CMS solution connected straight to InDesign - that automatically feeds content to both printed and online platforms, and even colleagues accustomed to a simple Wordpress-system can work with it from the very first moment.

Build a publishing system behind your current tools

One content for multiple platforms

With iCMS, stories are submitted using a simple web interface, go through the editorial flow and published automatically on connected websites and InDesign documents. That simple and easy!

There is no need to redesign the workflow: the layout designer gets to sit in front of InDesign desktop just like before (and can flexibly shape the layout), and the websites can be the same old Wordpress or else - it’s just that everything is automated in the background.

Netrix iCMS is a simple, cost-efficient solution for small and medium-sized publishing houses who care about automating the publishing process so that they can spend more time and money on what is really important: content.

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